November 12, 2023 Faculty Exchange Visit to University of the Western Cape Mohamed Fahmy Menza, Senior Director of GAPP executive education, visited the University of the Western Cape.
October 11, 2022 GAPP and Ford Foundation Launches the Responding Neoliberal Economic model: Voices from the Global South Ford Foundation attendees from five institutions from the Global South, gathered at AUC for the launching event.
November 7, 2023 Exploring the Future of Communications with AI The Journalism and Mass Communication Department in collaboration with School of Sciences and Engineering hosted the 13th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM) bringing together experts to discuss the future of AI in Digital MarCom Management as well a
November 20, 2023 Cairo Media Conference 5 A strong press has been theorized to be a key element of a functioning healthy country, with citizens relying on journalism and the media industry to provide accurate information and to hold authority accountable, particularly at times of crises.
March 19, 2023 GAPP hosted nine ambassadors from the Association of South-East Asian Nations On March 19, 2023, in a gathering hosted by PPAD Assistant Professor Dr. Hisham Wahby, students had theunique opportunity to meet with eight ambassadors and one Deputy Chief of Mission representing Singapore,
June 11, 2023 Book Launch Event- Celebrating 50 Years of Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court Marking 50 years since the founding of Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court, GAPP's Law and Society Research Unit (LSRU) partnered with the SCC to collect 50 landmark decisions of the
September 19, 2023 Shaping the Future: The Role of Statistics in Politics: Good Governance or Good Image? On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, GAPP held the first event on the series Shaping the Future on The Role of Statistics in Politics: Good Governance or Good Image?, the speaker was Magued Osman, CEO and Director of the Egyptian Center for Public Opin
December 16, 2016 MESC hosted a joint workshop with the European University Institute on "Order and Disorder in the Middle East and North Africa: New Perspectives on Regional Security and Political Economy" Euro-Med Studies at MESC includes a number of aspects, from EU supported activities such as a public lecture series, workshops and student conferences to associated publications, events and courses.
October 25, 2023 Should cultural artifacts be returned to their country of origin? The Center of American Studies and Research (CASAR) Student Discussion Series for the fall 2023 semester event is a student-led debate on whether cultural artifacts should be returned to their country of origin or not.
October 26, 2023 DiaMiGo Project- Joint Exchange Program between CMRS and the University of Cologne Ten AUC students and six AUC faculty and staff participated in the Dialogue on Migration Governance in the Euro-Mediterranean (DiaMiGo) Fall Academy held at the University of Cologne, Germany.
October 17, 2023 Current Gender Scholars, Future Change Agents The Tomorrow’s Leaders Gender Scholars (TLS) program welcomed its third cohort of students from various academic backgrounds.
October 16, 2023 Gaza Crisis: What’s Next? A week into the most recent conflict in Gaza, News@AUC spoke with Bahgat Korany, political science professor, and Ibrahim Awad, professor of practice in global affairs and director of the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies, to gain insight into what the future may hold. 
September 25, 2023 Does Social Media do More Harm Than Good? Launching the Center of American Studies and Research (CASAR) Student Discussion Series for the Fall 2023 semester, a student-led debate event took place on "Whether social media does more harm than good?"
October 1, 2023 Yousef Jameel GAPP Public Leadership Program Welcomes A New Cohort The Yousef Jameel Public Leadership Program welcomed its 12th cohort of scholars from across Egypt who will pursue a master's degree at AUC, in addition to studying abroad for a semester and working at public, private and nonprofit organizations.