Message From the Dean
In over a decade since its inception, the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) has achieved regional and international recognition, with programs that have national and international accreditation. Thanks to our contributions to policy dialogue and active engagement in global professional networks, GAPP’s relevance and impact are steadily expanding.
The crises facing our Arab region today are of a transformative nature, shedding light on historical injustices and making it imperative to interrogate international world order failures. A multi-polar world with disruptive technology, corrosive inequality, and compounded environmental and public health crises is witnessing fundamental shifts in narratives, systems, and processes. This increases volatility and uncertainty and begs for educated, principled, and creative solutions. Whether in our Journalism, Law, Public Policy, Global Affairs, Migration, Gender, or Middle East Studies, this global context animates our classroom discussions as much as it stimulates our research agendas. Our Executive Education serves a community of development professionals in Egypt and the region, helping them be prepared for this challenging world.
In partnerships with the AUC community and professional networks across the world, we strive to innovate in teaching, develop multidisciplinary research agendas, and influence policy reflections. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs and our "Tahrir Dialogue" advance independent thought and policy reflections on many such national, regional, and global issues. Our "Policy Brief Series" invites internationally respected voices to comment on emerging innovative trends in public policy and administration. Our journal Arab Media and Society is an internationally recognized platform for state-of-the-art reflections on media, communication, and narrative.
Our objective is to offer our students, researchers, policy and media professionals a GAPP experience that helps them uphold standards of independent thought, respect diversity, inform policy with rigorous evidence, lead resilient institutions, and build a better future for themselves and the wider community. GAPP’s faculty, staff, and advisory board are working tirelessly to live up to this responsibility
Noha EL- Mikawy
School of Global Affairs and Public Policy