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Pathways Beyond Neoliberalism: Voices From MENA Project

Pathways Beyond Neoliberalism: Voices From MENA is a research program based in The American University in Cairo (AUC). The program is hosted by the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP). It is on a five-year Ford Foundation grant (2022-2027). 

About the Program

Our AUC-based program is part of a larger project involving universities in India, South Africa, Colombia, and Mexico. The AUC program focuses on the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA).

The core mission of our program is to contribute to changing the narrative of the economy in academia and policy circles, and subsequently to how the economy is related to politics, going beyond the predominant neoliberal paradigm. Conversely, we aim at depicting the theoretical contours of an alternative accumulation model that is more equitable and sustainable. The notion of an "accumulation model" we adopt, considers the production of economic value as a social process. This challenges the economistic approach to the market as an autonomous area of formally rational economic agents, which is inherent in neoclassicism and neoliberalism.

More About the Program

مسارات لما بعد النيوليبرالية باللغة العربية

Important Announcement

The Political Economy of Green Urbanism in the Arab World: Planning, Policy, and Finance Spring School co-organized with BIAS-AME (Built Environment Institute for Applied Studies - Africa and the Middle East), is calling for applications for its May 18 - 23, 2025  program at AUC. 

More About the Spring School

Submit Your Application



Our publications are academic knowledge production and research dissemination efforts aimed at changing the narrative of the economy in academia and policy circles, as well as demonstrating how the economy is moving beyond the neoliberal paradigm.

Important Dates

Spring School on Green Urbanism Application Deadline

Late Graduate Admission Application

Graduate Fellowship Application Deadline

Cycle 2
April 8 – May 8, 2025

Project in Motion

  • A male and a female are sitting together

    Interview with Mona Yassin on the Competition Protection and Anti-Monopoly Authority

  • Two males are sitting together

    Interview with Egyptian Ambassador Saad al-Fararji on the New Global Economic Order

  • Two males are sitting on chairs and talking

    Cooperative Movement in the Middle East and North Africa Towards Alternative Paths to Economic Development

  • A man is sitting on a chair. HE is talking and smiling

    Beyond Neoliberalism: Exploring Alternatives

  • مسارات لما بعد النيوليبرالية: الحلقة الأولى

    Pathways Beyond Neoliberalism Podcast

  • alfredo saad pathways project video thumbnail

    Interview with Alfredo Saad-Filho at the New International Economic Order Workshop

  • pathways project video thumbnail of workshop

    Interview with Mariangela Parra-Lancourt at the New International Economic Order Workshop

  • workshop thumbnail of pathways program

    New International Economic Order Workshop " Day 2"

Political Economy of the Global South Conference (PEGS)

Our first PEGS conference explores the current challenges to global economic governance and the potential areas for institutional and policy changes. Governance refers to the normative, regulatory and institutional mechanisms that govern the processes, flows and transactions in the world economy.

Contact Us

Pathways Beyond Neoliberalism: Voices From MENA

AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74   
New Cairo 11835, Egypt   
t: +2.02.2615.3508

[email protected]