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Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS) Hosts a One-Day Workshop

July 15, 2024

The American University in Cairo AUC in collaboration with the Mixed Migration Hub (MHub) under the framework of the Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP) developed the first network among scholars of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) on Mixed Migration issues. 

The aim is to contribute to enhancing the production and dissemination of knowledge in the area of mixed migration for the ultimate goal of boosting the capacity of MENA governments to manage migration as well as build the capacity of  young researchers and scholars in MENA.

Members of the network meet regularly to deliberate on the most pressing issues regarding migration in the region and produce yearly policy paper that are presented in yearly conferences and attended by Inter-governmental organizations, international and national non-governmental organizations, and representatives from the different Egyptian ministries and government bodies. Since the inception of the network in 2021, eighteen policy papers were produced by migration scholars from Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Yemen, and Lebanon. Members of the network were invited to AUC over three consecutive years to provide training to young researchers from the region. The trainees came from the countries mentioned above as well from the Gulf Cooperation countries.

This partnership is an indication of the commitment of the AUC’s Center for Migration and Refugee Studies to AUC’s core values of collaboration, creativity, and excellence. The policy papers produced this year as well as the training focused on the objectives of the Global Compact for Safe Orderly, and regular Migration (GCM) since the governments of the region are preparing for the regional review of the compact this year” says Maysa Ayoub, associate director of CMRS.

The network facilitates exchange of knowledge, fosters collaboration, and gives space to young researchers. 

Pleased to be back at the American University in Cairo to share my work on the impact of the Global Compact for Migration (IOM - UN Migration; United Nations Network on Migration) on migration policies in North Africa, during the four-days event organized by the Academic Network on Mixed Migration in North Africa and Middle East. It was also a great opportunity to meet scholars from the region and to discuss possibilities of teaching and research collaboration with our ACMRL (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam). Many thanks to the Center for Migration and Refugee Studies” Younous Arbaoui, assistant professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

“As the coordinator of the Academic Network on the Study of Mixed Migration in North Africa and the Middle East, I’m very glad of the success of the discussion workshop. Not only because of the quality of the presentations of the policy briefs that we produced this year, but also because of the engagement of young researchers in the development of the policy briefs. Moreover, the dissemination workshop was a great venue for networking among scholars who come from different backgrounds” Ayman Zohry, the network coordinator.

The training and the dissemination workshop provided us with the opportunity to meet and discuss migration issues with well known scholars from the region and learn from them through a truly interactive setting. This event provided much-needed space for academics and participants to discuss the topic in their mother tongue; Arabic, and to understand the Arabic terms used in the context of migration” Al-Baraa Qurdi, trainee.