Syria Reader

The Syria Reader is a document-based compendium on the Syrian crisis. The Syria Reader is a project of the Middle East Studies Center and the School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at the American University in Cairo. It was developed by Aly Erfan, Professor of Practice at GAPP, with the assistance of Jessie Steinhauer, a fellow at MESC and Hany Luka, Administrative Affairs Assistant at MESC.
The digital library serves as a research tool for practitioners and scholars of issues related to policy surrounding the Syrian crisis and regional security in the Middle East. The approximately 400 official documents housed in the digital compendium date back to the beginning of the crisis and mark significant points in the political process. With a focus on diplomacy and the international humanitarian response, the Syria Reader enables the study of the original text of documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Politics, Government and International Relations.
The compendium includes a substantial number of official documents and reports relating to the conflict in Syria from a variety of organizations, institutions and multilateral negotiation processes, including:
- Security Council
- General Assembly
- League of Arab States
- Syrian Arab Republic
- High Negotiations Commission
- United Nations Secretary-General
- United Nations Special Envoy on Syria
- Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator
- Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- Friends of Syria
- International Syria Support Group
- Geneva Process
- Astana Process
The Syria Reader features a periodically updated chronology of the conflict’s major political, humanitarian and military developments, covering the period from March 2011 until the present.
The Syria Reader would not have been possible without the support of Jeff Feltman, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Political Affairs, Ramzy Ezzedine, Deputy Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Syria and Rami Shehadeh, senior advisor and Syria team leader at the United Nations Department of Political Affairs.
MESC also expresses its sincere gratitude and appreciation to Karen Fanous for her help and support, as a “friend of the Syria Reader”.